
Gefran S.p.A. and Gefran Group companies have always been committed to applying and observing rigorous ethical and moral principles when conducting their activities.

We support customers in improving the performance of their technological processes, ensuring continuity, care and sustainably maximising value.
With passion, energy and expertise in technology and innovation, we provide effective and targeted responses in the fields of industrial automation – measurement, regulation and control – and power electronics.
We produce and protect proprietary technologies that enable us to maintain our promise of reliability and quality, combining the values of a family-run company with an international management structure, which we are proud of.

Gefran conducts its internal and external activities in full compliance with the laws in force and market regulations, and observing the principles contained in the Code of Ethics. Furthermore, Gefran reserves the right not to initiate or continue any relationship with any parties that show that they do not respect its contents and spirit and/or breach its principles and rules of conduct.
The Code of Ethics provides the basis for the conduct of all Group companies. Gefran S.p.A. requires that all Group companies ensure their activities comply in the near term with the principles contained in the Code of Ethics.

Furthermore, Gefran plans to share the principles contained in the Code of Ethics with all its Recipients (stakeholders), with which it engages in the business relations necessary to fulfil its mission:

shareholders and all other stakeholders who own interests in the Company, employees (whether manual workers, clerical staff, middle managers or executives), directors and associates in their broadest sense.

the public authorities, customers, suppliers of goods and services, competitors, the equity market, political organisations and unions, information, environmental and regional organisations.
Employees and associates in general must ensure they represent the Group’s style of behaviour to the best of their ability in order to strengthen its reputation. They must, therefore, lead by example in implementing the contents of the Code, and assume responsibility for taking action to ensure that the provisions relating to ethics and conduct and Company operating procedures included therein are constantly applied.

Code of business conduct

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Gefran Group whistleblowing procedure (italian only)

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